The LiteBlue login portal allows you to stay in touch faster and communicate more effectively. On this site, you will find comprehensive information on professional development, sales and services, products, brand recognition, and more. In addition, you can verify, and during open season change, your benefits selection via PostalEASE.
LiteBlue – FAQs
How do I reset my PIN if I forget it?
In addition to the USPS PIN (4-digit number), USPS HR Self Service Interactive Voice Response (IVR) applications do not accept any other PINs. You can still use your EIN and PIN to log into Jobbidding IVR, PostalEASE IVR, and HRSSC IVR. If you forget your PIN, you can look in the SSP Quick Reference Guide or search in IT Self Help.
My SSP Profile has been updated. When will I receive a confirmation?
Yes. Any changes to your SSP Profile will be emailed to the email address you provide in your SSP Profile (either a USPS email address or a personal email address). Any changes you make to your SSP Profile will be notified by First-Class Mail if an email address is not provided in your Profile.
My SSP profile was denied access. Why?
For 15 minutes, you will be locked out after six failed attempts at entering your password. Please try logging in later with your SSP password and the correct EIN.
When registering for Liteblue, why is an email address required?
You must provide your email address to reset your password or to change your security question.
How does the LiteBlue EIN work?
Your earning statement will contain your Employer Identification Number, which is eight digits in length. An employee ID label is usually found at the top of the page. The US Postal Service provides employees with a unique employee ID. Additionally to setting up a password, you can use eIdeas, eOPF, Reassign, and PostalEASE apps.